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Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:25-26 (NIV)

Lord, out of the depths of your love, you deliver us from hardships.  Please comfort and provide for those listed here. Be their shield against hardship, and carry them in your loving arms.   "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."   Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

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134 Prayers for
Please pray for myself and Timothy
by John S. at 10:09 AM on Wed 5/2/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by John S. at 5:01 pm on Sun 6/24/2012  God Bless all of you who have prayed for us. I am 80% better from your prayers and God's blessing. I still pray every day for Tim. Thank you so much again. I've asked God to bless each of you.
Original Prayer Request

A young man who had been drinking ran out in front of my car. Impact was at 40 mph. He was severely injured but ill recover. Please pray for his healing and that God will make Himself present to the young man. God is a gracious God. I see the accident 100 times per day in my mind. My life is changed forever! I shake, I cry, I am sad. Please pray for the peace of God to come over me. God bless God and all those who serve Him.

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107 Prayers for
by Errol C. at 8:26 PM on Thu 9/1/2011
Prayer Answered!  Update by Errol C. at 7:18 pm on Thu 10/13/2011  Thank You for Praying!
The Job that I was praying for, I am still waiting to hear from the company if I have a second interview, I received another job that I started on Monday.
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I am asking for prayer to get a job, I have been unemployed for three years. I need help.





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207 Prayers for
by dawn s. at 9:37 PM on Mon 11/8/2010
Prayer Answered!  Update by dawn s. at 12:15 am on Mon 4/4/2011  Thank You for Praying!
thank you for your prayers. I agreed to settle with the family court. Though I am innocent, it was easier to accept a settlement than put my children through more suffering. They dropped the munchuasen by proxy, and I agreed to say that I have issues with anxiety and difficulty interfacing with the doctors. I agreed to counseling. It is not what was fair, but I know that God will help me to tolerate this injustice and that he knows that I did it so that I could be back with my children. He will protect me, and he will be the judge of those that have hurt and consipred against our family. Only God knows why my children were born with epilepsy and why as parents we are always blamed when our children have difficult to treat conditions. I do not understand why this has happened to our family, but I know that God has a plan, and someday it wil be clear to us. In the meantime I will work with CPS and the legal system, and I will do what is right for my children. I will let God judge them. I know that he can look into their hearts and know why they did what they did. And I know that he will give us the strength to go through thte next battle. He will be with us. Thank you for all of your prayers. We are going on towards positive steps....
Original Prayer Request

Please pray that the people that are causing this injustice realize what they are doing and try to fix the mistake they've created.  Please give my children strength to be without their mother during this investigation that is such an injustice.  Please give me strength to get through this and to be without my children. Give me strength to not feel anger at the people that are hurting my family unfairly.  Give my husband the strength to care for my children while I am gone. Give my lawyer wisdom and know how to fix this injustice. Please let someone advocate and see the truth, and let me return to my family as soon as possible.  Please God, let the truth come forward, and help this mess to be fixed.  Please soften the hearts of my accusers, and help me to forgive them.  Give me wisdom and how to proceed and what path to take next.  And please protect other families with children with disabilities so that they don't have to experience this tragedy themselves.


Thank you.

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209 Prayers for
Jessi and Family
by Allison W. at 7:53 PM on Tue 2/17/2009
Prayer Answered!  Update by Allison W. at 1:40 pm on Thu 4/23/2009  Jessi's parents insurance came through and was able to help with a large portion of building a new house behind where the old one burned down! They are in a small apartment now while they wait and are very honored by all of your prayers! Thank you all!
Original Prayer Request
My roommates family house burned down this afternoon. Her two pets died in the fire,  but none of her family was injured personally. Her dad, mom, and brother lived in the house. Her father is feeling guilt about the situation because he feels it is his fault. Please pray for Jessi and her family as they are trying to get a new house through insurance and just with the emotional stress and loss of the situation. Pray that her dad feels no guilt but is able to receive love from the Lord at this time.
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250 Prayers for
Uncle Mike, Aunt June, Annie, and David URGENT
by Brady M. at 9:55 PM on Sun 11/30/2008
Prayer Answered!  Update by Brady M. at 11:07 pm on Sat 2/7/2009  Lord, you have sheltered my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins with your love...spiritually, financially, and physically! The recovery is going well. Continue to hold them close to you, dear Lord! THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYING!!! All praise be to the King!
Original Prayer Request

Please pray for my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins as they begin the long process of recovering from a house fire last night in North Carolina.  On Saturday night, they arrived home to find Annie's (my cousin) bedroom completely on fire.  The fire destroyed the upstairs area and collapsed the floor.  Smoke damage is heavy throughout their entire home.  Thankfully, no one was injured.  Lord, you have complete control here, and I ask that you continue to protect them and let them lean solely on you for provisions.  Bless them like never before with double portions than what they had!
In Christ's Name,

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