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11 Prayers for
Healing: Other
by Millennial Solutions at 4:25 PM on Fri 9/26/2008

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23 (NIV)

Lord, we call upon your awesome power to heal those that are listed here. Provide comfort, encouragement, and strength. Draw them close to you as you embrace them with your love. You are sufficient to heal them from all sickness, so please heal them now out of your abounding love.   "O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me."  Psalm 30:2 (NIV)

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4687 Prayers for
My Family
by Marlene M. at 9:16 PM on Thu 1/17/2019
Update #20 by Marlene M. at 9:49 pm on Tue 1/21/2025  Thank you ALL for your prayers. You bless and encourage my family always. At 2:00am a couple of days ago my son-in-law called. He had to take our granddaughter, Anna, to the hospital by ambulance. She was in a diabetic coma. She is only 7 and it was the first time she had symptoms. Her mom died several years ago, and this is sure to be very hard for her. They have told us that type 1 diabetes can't be healed, but I believe in miracles and would really appreciate if you joined in praying for her healing. I love you all very much and pray that all of your prayers are answered. Blessings now and always!
Original Prayer Request

Please pray for my family. We're a big family with lots of adult children, spouses, and grandkids.  As we've all grown older, several of my kids and grandkids have had health issues. My husband and I have, too. Also, our youngest son just graduated from college. He's in the process of looking for a job in his career. We would really appreciate prayers for health, strength, protection, and blessings.  We would especially appreciate prayers that our children and grandchildren will all be mighty in the Lord. They have a strong desire to serve Him fully. May each and every prayer that you pray carry back to you a tenfold blessing. Thank you all for caring enough to pray for me and my family.

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88 Prayers for
Claro Avila Sr
by arrion a. at 9:11 AM on Thu 12/13/2018
Update #11 by arrion a. at 1:52 am on Mon 4/22/2019  Hi All, please join me on praying Father God your healing hand rest upon my Father Claro Avila Sr., may Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of his body and into the depths of his soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring him to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. with the peace and joy I know can only come from You during this hard time. Walk closely beside him during his journey to healing and recovery that I know is possible through Your power alone. Father, You remind us throughout Scripture that You are faithful to Your people. Jeremiah 33:6 says, “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” So often, as in the Old Testament, we rebel, neglect to care for ourselves as You do, and end up tired and sick. But Father You are faithful to enwrap us in Your healing love each time we turn back to You. I pray also for my Family who tirelessly support/care for my Father Claro Avila Sr. Give them patience,wisdom and strength. I pray also to all the staff members of this website who's continuously support my Father thru prayers. In Jesus' Name, I pray all this Amen.
Original Prayer Request

My Christmas wish is fully recovery of my Dad's Claro Avila Sr. health. I pray that one day morning when i wake up..everything will be back to normal.  Please support my Family in this battle. We need your healing prayer for my Father condition. He's still suffering from stroke, bedsores, other parts of his body is still paralyze, His brain affected by blood cloth, suffering from daily suction of pleghm in his trachea tube. His still supported by oxygen. Please pray him. God bless and thank you in behalf of my family. Pls pray also for my family to stay strong and more patience to take care of him.

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152 Prayers for
by Bonnie P. at 9:33 PM on Mon 1/2/2017
Prayer Answered!  Update by Bonnie P. at 10:18 pm on Tue 5/2/2017  Thank You for Praying!
I want to thank everyone for all your prayer support. It is wonderful that an organization like this exists and is available for all who need prayer support. Thank you for taking the time to lift me up in prayer and I pray that God will wonderfully bless you all and prosper you and your families. Thank you. Bonnie
Original Prayer Request

I am an intercessor and have entered into spiritual warfare against witchcraft.  The problem is that I am old enough to be impacted by stress and my blood pressure has risen quite a bit.  I pray that prayer be made on my behalf to bring down my blood pressure.  It is high enough to concern me.  But, I do not plan to stop battling the darkness.  This demonic authority is a very strong power.   Thank you

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2466 Prayers for
by Marlene M. at 10:18 AM on Tue 5/6/2014
Update #1 by Marlene M. at 7:51 am on Thu 4/28/2016  Mary Anne sent this update. She never saw the original prayer request until about a month ago. Patrick went through the whole horror of the heart attack in a very relaxed manner which surely made a huge difference in the outcome. I attribute this now looking back, to your prayers! I should have thought he would have been very terrified especially since one of his brothers had a fatal MI (heart attack) about 4 1/2 yrs. before. To add to the tension of the situation, along the way to the hospital where he finally had a quadruple bypass done, a small local hospital loaded him up with anti-coagulants which meant the bypass surgery had to be delayed until his normal ability to coagulate came back. I asked him afterwards, were you afraid? To my amazement he said "no." Four years have passed and he has had two other major set backs in his profession life as a musician. And now I can say perhaps those three events are what it took for him to be more God conscious. I saw a message he wrote last November. It said "I love music and I love God." Just two months later he was invited to bring his celtic band to be the warm up for Faith Fest 16, an outdoor Christian concert. Matt Maher, nationally known Christian artist will be the main event. 5,000 people are expected to attend. Patrick said yes to the invitation even though his own band had fallen apart. God has quickly restored Pat's band with two new musicians who are fabulously talented. I have prophesied over Pat and to Pat ever since his life as a musician took a turn, - humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will raise you up! Praise God, Patrick has been humbled and God is raising him up - for a testimony! Thanks to all of you for your part in this story. Pat needs a male mentor in his Christian walk. Please pray about that for him and thank you all so much, again!
Original Prayer Request

Many of you know Mary Anne.  She has been a faithful prayer warrior for years.  Her son, Patrick, has had a massive heart attack.  He is 53.  Another one of Mary Anne's sons died of a heart attack several years ago.  Please join us in praying for Patrick's physical healing and for him spiritually, as well.  May this be a time when Patrick, his wife, and three sons seek the Lord.  We are claiming salvation for the entire family.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit be present in a powerful way.  Also, pray for Mary Anne.  She is not well and will be traveling several hours to a hospital that is faraway. Please lift up Mary Anne's entire family.  Thank you so much for praying!

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735 Prayers for
Triplets ----- Andrew, Jason, & Grabriella
by Tangela W. at 8:20 PM on Tue 12/11/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Tangela W. at 9:22 pm on Wed 12/11/2013  I thought I closed this prayer request months ago. Just a quick update before I will finally close it. The triplets turned one (1) year old today. Wow, what a difference a year make. Happy Birthday---- Andrew, Jason, and Gabby. When these little ones came into this world, no one knew what their outcome would be. We all prayed and left it in God's hand.....knowing and believing that he had a plan and special purpose for them. Just think, they were born at 26 weeks 2 days, with a combine weight of 3 lbs and 7 ozs, and today Drew weights 17.3 lbs, Jason 19.7 lbs, and Gabby 17.13 lbs. ------- Ms. Gabby is all over the place exploring everything she sees....We believe that she will be walking by Christmas. Jason, not to be out done by his little sister has finally started to crawl after seeing her all over the place. Drew has come so far from where he started from. He making improvements daily, and by age two he should be caught up with Gabby and Jason. ------ We will be celebrating their birthday this Sunday with cakes and ice cream. ---------- Again, thank you all for your faithful prayers. When prayers goes up.....Blessing really and truly come down. ------- Praying that God continue to Blessed each of you all in a Very Special Way. May No Weapon Formed Against You Prosper In Jesus Name......Thank You!!!!
Original Prayer Request

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Melinda and the unborn triplets. Your prayers was greatly appreciated. Now, I have a new prayer request.  The triplets decided that today (12.11.12) was the day that they wanted to be born into the world. At 11:40 (Andrew) weighting 520 grams; 11:41 (Jason) weighting 460 grams....idental boys, and at 11.42 (Grabriella the girl) ...weighting 620 grams. They were able to put breathing tube down all of them and start an IV....all in incubators. Right now their condition is stable for mirco preemies, but the next 24 hours will be crucial as well as the days and months ahead. I'm asking for all Prayer Warriors to lift these babies up in your daily prayers to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We're praying that God continue to touch the hands of the doctors, nurses, tech, and specailists and continue to provide them with widsom and knowlege as they continue to provide continual care to Andrew, Jason, and Gabby. God we know that there's nothing impossible for you....and that you are able to do immeasurably more than what we ask of you....accordingly to your power. God we will continue to trust and have faith in you in the days and months ahead....as you strenghten, heal, and protect my grandbabies........God is the author and source of life, health, and all that is good....and in Jesus Name....I'm praying for continual health, strengths, and protection of my grandbabies. Thank you in advance for your prayers!!! 


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93 Prayers for
Baby Z.
by C. Andrew at 8:49 PM on Wed 11/14/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by C. Andrew at 5:55 pm on Fri 11/16/2012  Baby Z. had been on supplementary oxygen since she was born, and after the tests, the doctors said that she is now well enough for the oxygen to be removed. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Original Prayer Request

Baby Z. is going through some medical tests right now. Pray that they'll find anything that's wrong and be able to fix it.

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84 Prayers for
by Bruce K. at 7:14 AM on Wed 11/14/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Bruce K. at 8:45 pm on Mon 11/26/2012  Thank you everyone, Lisas test all came pack Negative, she knows it was God for the good news
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Please pray for my sister, she had a mammogram that they called her back for more tests please pray that its just a glitch in the view and its nothing serious.  Thank You

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94 Prayers for
by tyra c. at 2:10 AM on Fri 10/19/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by tyra c. at 9:09 am on Sun 10/21/2012  Dear All, thanks so much for praying, my dad 's blood pressue and rate are more stablized and he can breath better today, but please continue to pray that the Lord will heal his heart issue that it is nothing complicated and serious and to protect him from heart attack
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Please Pray for healing for my dad as his heartbeat is fast and is unwell, please pray that it is nothing serious and that the Lord has mercy on him that he is recovering fast. thanks




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89 Prayers for
My Family. My Daughter mostly, my son and myself
by Andrea at 6:54 PM on Thu 8/9/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Andrea at 1:35 am on Thu 9/13/2012  I want to thank everyone for all of their prayers! God bless every single one of you that prayed for my daughter. Your prayers helped. I received guidance from God on the 700 club where he stated my name two seconds after I asked to one day hear my name called to know that he hears me and 2 seconds later Terry stated my name and said that I wanted my name called and the Lord is asking you to accept his mercy and grace. My faith has increased which enabled me to chase them out with the word of Jesus and I have noticed a huge difference in her personality. My feeling now is to let go and let God. he has everything under control and I can see him already working on my home and my children. God Bless! Andrea
Original Prayer Request

When I was 15 I made the mistake of playing with a Ouija board and even though it was thrown away 6 months later these things stayed with me for most of my life..23 years. I'm a recent born again Christian and I've been praying for release and protection but I've noticed that my 16 year old daughter is VERY resistant. She is erratic and scary at times and I found a Satanic type image on paper in her room in a note from one of her friends and I'm now starting to realize that she may be possessed.


She's unpredictable and I'm worried that these demons have possessed my daughter in some way. I'm starting to see signs. I pray to Jesus daily but I wanted to put her on a prayer list for more healing in ourlife. My son, my daughter and I need healing from these things. I need them gone from my children and me and my home. I'm so tired of this daily battle..


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105 Prayers for
My Wife
by Bruce K. at 6:28 AM on Mon 7/9/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Bruce K. at 6:04 am on Tue 7/10/2012  Thank You, God is Great !!! everything came back normal, Thank you so much for praying !!!!
Original Prayer Request

Could you please pray for my wife, she went in for a mammogram last week and the radiologist called and wants her to come back for another one, that they couldnt read part of it or at least thats what they said, please pray that there isnt any type of cancer involved or lumps. We are both very nervous for the results, she is going back today.  Thank You

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155 Prayers for
by Giselle at 7:56 PM on Mon 6/11/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Giselle at 10:15 am on Fri 6/22/2012  The prescribed medicines did not work, the doctor's findings were all inconclusive - but when we raised this concern to the Lord through prayers, He answered and healed my husband.  Thank you all for your powerful prayers & encouragements.    "Now thanks be unto God, which always cause us to triumph in Christ."  2 Corinthian 2:14a   Lord, thank you for healing Shane's rashes and restoring his health.  Thank you for the prayers of brothers and sisters here at NPB and I would like to lift them up to you right now oh Lord - that You will Bless them Lord, touch and strengthen them as they go through some trials of their own.  Please continue to give them your wisdom through the Bible, continue to cover them with your protection and encouragement Lord so that they can keep their commitment to serve others through prayers.  In Jesus name I pray - AMEN.  
Original Prayer Request

Please pray with me for my husband's healing of skin rashes that's been going on for a while now (comes and goes) and the doctors can't seem to find anything (?) not viral nor fungal...but it's a persistent rash.  The Lord Heals and we so believe that He will through prayers.  I am at a loss for words at the moment but just read God's words and just feel HIs presence, believing that in silence, He speaks amd I can 'hear' Him.  Thank you for your time.  I love you all and God Bless you.  

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138 Prayers for
Savannah B
by Bob W. at 9:37 AM on Mon 4/23/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Bob W. at 11:10 am on Wed 8/1/2012  Thank You for Praying!
Just to let you guys know....very healthy baby girl born on Monday... all is well!
Original Prayer Request

Please keep my daughter in your prayers. She has been hospitalized, baby girl, her second child, is due in August. She has a tear the placenta and a blood clot. IF they let her go home she will be restricted to bed. We are asking the Lord God healing for Mommy and a healthy and joyful baby girl for us.  We love you guys.

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225 Prayers for
by Ashley H. at 7:01 AM on Sat 3/17/2012
Prayer Answered!  Update by Ashley H. at 6:12 am on Sat 4/28/2012  Angela is recovering from her surgery and has been home for a week now. I do not know what her future holds, but for now, she seems to understand the seriousness of her past. THANK YOU all for your prayers. God is Amazing and has showed her mercy.
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Yesterday I saw my sister, Angela, for the first time since Christmas. Nobody could have prepared me for what I saw. That image will haunt me for a long time. Angela has been on and off of drugs since she was a teenager. However, in the last few years she has been using the really heavy stuff (I'm still not sure what all she is in to). She lost her husband, her kids, her house and, pretty much, her life. She has gone to rehab to no avail. She got sick about two weeks ago and has been unable to leave the house. Because she was not able to go out and get whatever drug she has been on she has gone in to withdrawls and her body is rejecting everything. I don't know if I can properly explain what she looks like except to say all I could think of was a skeleton. If you have ever seen the movie The Machinist with Christian Bale you will have a pretty good idea of what my sister looks like. My mother, who has leukemia, has been taking care of her but has had to be admitted to the hospital for her own health issues. Right now she is staying with my 80 year old grandparents that are doing the best they can.

My sister needs prayer, LOTS of prayer. Without it, I'm afraid she will die.

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158 Prayers for
My Uncle Ben
by Elias at 8:15 PM on Tue 12/27/2011
Prayer Answered!  Update by Elias at 8:38 am on Fri 11/16/2012  I thank God for all of you who prayed. Uncle Ben has gained significant hearing since last update. We will be prepared in case he starts to lose it, but for now, he is doing well.
Original Prayer Request

My Uncle Ben woke up one morning and completely lost his hearing. He has a genetic hearing problem, but not that bad. He has gained enough hearing to sort of comunicate, but he can't work very well at all. We know that it's going to get even worse because of his genetic hearing loss. We will be starting to learn sign language soon to prepare. Please pray that his hearing will be miraclously healed.

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233 Prayers for
by Bruce K. at 6:49 PM on Thu 11/17/2011
Prayer Answered!  Update by Bruce K. at 7:33 am on Mon 6/18/2012  Thank You for Praying!
Thank You everyone for praying for me, I am doing much better !
Original Prayer Request

Please pray for me that our great God would give me complete healing, I've been dealing with some health issues for the past few months. Thank you all in advance. I know our Lord hears all our prayers.

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