Pray For Others
Make a Prayer Request
Music while you Pray

Frequently Asked Questions




Why should I become a member?
Membership is free and gives you access to many helpful tools for uniting with others in prayer and strengthening your prayer life.  The National Prayer Bank enables you to share prayer requests, update them, let others know how prayers have been answered, and show your gratitude to those who are praying for you.  As you pray more frequently and effectively, you will experience the power of God in your life. 


People Become National Prayer Bank members to:

·         Ask for prayer for a loved one during times of celebration such as birthdays and weddings.

·         Ask for prayer in times of need.

·         Bless and encourage others with prayer.

·         Join with other Christians across the country through prayer.


Is there any cost to join?
Membership is completely free, and we do not advertise on the site.



To who are National Prayer Bank prayers offered?

The National Prayer Bank was created to offer prayers only to the one true God the Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.  For more information on the National Prayer Bank’s beliefs, please see our Statement of Faith.



I have been invited to pray for someone. What happens when I click the "I Prayed" button? 
If you are a member, when you click the "I prayed button", your first name, the time, and the date all appear on a prayer registry for that person as a way to encourage them. Your prayer will also be added to a tally of prayers for that request. If you are not a member, then your prayer will be counted as "anonymous."

“Where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt 18:20 NIV



What is a Prayer Registry?
Prayer Registries encourage the person you are praying for. A Prayer Registry is like a Guest Book, which lets people know that you are one of many who are praying for them.



Can I click the “I Prayed” button to register that I prayed more than once in a day?
YES!  People like to know that you are praying for them.  You can click the “I Prayed” button every time you pray throughout the day.  In order to give you time to pray, there is a delay before you can click the button again.  Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).



How do I make a prayer request?
1.       Become a member.
2.       Click "Make a Prayer Request" in the navigation bar.
3.       Follow the steps provided.



Why should I use the National Prayer Bank to make a prayer request instead of e-mailing my prayer requests to my friends?
The National Prayer Bank provides helpful tools for sharing, tracking, and updating prayer requests, which make praying for others more effective and a lot more fun.



Why do you ask members to provide their zip code?
The National Prayer Bank uses zip codes to show where people are praying around the country. It encourages people to know that others are praying all around them.



What is "My Prayer List?"
"My Prayer List" is a list of all the prayers that you create, plus the prayers that you add to your list by clicking the "+Prayer List" button next to "Public Prayer Requests" and the prayer requests of your friends.   It is one of the most helpful features of the site.   "My Prayer List" can be found on the navigation bar. 



Is the National Prayer Bank affiliated with any particular denomination?
The National Prayer Bank was started by a group of Christians who felt led by the Lord to create a website that encourages prayer. This site is not backed or supported by any specific denomination, but hopes to serve those of all denominations who accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. If you have any questions about God, click the “God” tab on the Home Page.   



How can I help support the National Prayer Bank?
Pray for the National Prayer Bank!  Pray that it succeeds in its goal to encourage and facilitate prayer.  Tell others about the site. Forward the link to your friends. Tell your church about it.



Why isn't there any advertising on the National Prayer Bank?
The National Prayer Bank is set up solely to encourage prayer. No funding or revenue is generated by the National Prayer Bank website. The National Prayer Bank is free and receives no income through advertising.

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